The effects of stress on the skin can be seen in itchy breakouts such as hives or rashes. Long term effectes on the skin can be seen in prolonged skin flares or episodes that are frustrating to control.
Stress is the body's reaction to a perceived threat. Adrenaline and hormones are released, and the central nervous system is activated, sharpening our senses, but simultaneously our pulse rises, our muscles tense and our immune system begins to shut down. Those that can not relieve stress as needed may experience fatigue, upset stomach, and frequent headaches. Long term stress can contribute to family breakdown, job fatigue, with resulting long term health problems such as depression, heart disease, high blood pressure, and eczema.
When you have stress at home and at work, it can be very upsetting. Can you treat stress? You certainly can by changing your situation, your attitude toward people and things (we can learn to be positive), taking the personal time out to have fun and friendship (a good social network of friends at work, neighbors, and relatives are most important for support), by meditating and praying, staying physically fit, and by seeking outside help if needed. Consider "quality" of time on the earth and not just the "quantity" of years to live on the earth, however, both can be more interesting!
Reduce stress in your life. Allow as much time for tasks as possible to avoid time-pressured periods. Remind yourself that your job is not your entire life. Take a break for lunch every day. Leave your desk and take a walk; write a personal letter; plan a vacation. "Sound off" with a trusted friend or colleague who understands your situation and will keep your confidence.
Be realistic about what you can reasonably accomplish given your time, resources and job environment. Set priorities and partialize your tasks/problems. Delegate responsibilities and be willing to ask and let others take charge. Talk with your manager about your concerns and offer suggestions about ways to alleviate pressures. Consider getting professional help if stress is affecting your daily functioning. If all else fails, consider seeking vocational counseling, job training and/or a new position. Take a vacation; drive home a different way; get away for a weekend, but don't take work with you. Think of funny incidents; tell a joke; remember the face of someone who brings you joy. Avoid multitasking as much as possible by laying down the beeper, remote controls, and your cell phones, pagers, and enjoy your family and friends. Being a perfectionist isn't the answer; it only adds stress. Sleep seven hours or more per night so you can be alert during the day without a stimulant.
The frantic pace of today's family can sometimes make it hard for children to relax as well as the eczema or psoriasis sufferer...especially when it's time to get the rest they need. If the children in your life and the eczema or psoriasis sufferer are in need of some relaxing wind-down time, you might try some of these simple principles:
When scheduling permits, create a special slow and peaceful day for just you and your entire family.
Eliminate caffeine, colas, and especially diet soft drinks containing aspartame or nutrasweet, chocolates and cocoa of which contain caffeine that makes us all hyper jittery and keeps us all awake as stimulants do.
Turn off the television, violent programming that can be stressful or stimulating to children and even adults. Cuddling up with your child and family members and reading their favorite book is a much more relaxing way to relax and enjoy a relationship than the tube.
Schedule a wind-down time for the entire family. And an hour before bedtime for all is not a time for wrestling or games that gear children and the family up when it is time to slow down. Likewise, with the other adult family members, it is not a good time to talk about controversial matters that need a special time scheduled for a Saturday afternoon, or some other possible slow time for controversial matters in the family. Make the bedtime a bedtime for "all" of those in the family.
Listen to quiet music or sing special songs. Children respond to the mood of the music so you can choose the mood needed for bedtime for all that will be relaxing and not stimulating to anyone.
Dim the lights to create a quiet mood.
Sit or lie down with your children. Most children find this very comforting and you will most likely also. It lets your child or children know that rest time isn't just for 'babies' but for their stressed eczema or psoriasis-suffering parents.