Eczema Treatment and Research
The many symptoms that mimic eczema and the many skin conditions with symptoms similar to eczema can make the diagnosis of eczema difficult.
Eczema is used to describe all kinds of red, blistering, oozing, scaly, brownish, thickened, and itching skin conditions. Eczema is associated with dry, rough, red, itchy, skin dryness, crusting, flaking, blistering, cracking, oozing, or bleeding.
Atopic dermatitis is related to asthma and hay fever-type allergies, and is often seen in early childhood. This type of acne-related condition is characterized by a speedy distribution of reddish irritation that can be prickly, swollen and erupted. The eyelids, neck and hands are most commonly affected in adults.
Perioral Dermatitis is an acne-like inflammation generally consists of small red bumps or even pus bumps and mild peeling as the skin is extremely aggravated. It is believed that topical steroids, residue from asthma inhalers t containing steroids, cinnamon, lipstick, lip balms, cosmetics, toothpaste and even moisturizers contribute to perioral dermatitis.
Milia sometimes referred to as milk spots or oil seeds, are benign, keratin-filled cysts that can appear just under the skin. These little white bumps, or milia, are keratin-filled cysts, or simply little globs of protein under the skin. Milia can be mistaken for stubborn acne whiteheads.To reduce creating milia around the eyes, use eye creams with the least amount of ingredients possible to avoid irritating the delicately thin eye area. Also, gently touch the eyes and avoid rubbing the eyes vigorously so as not to damage the skin
In its classic symptoms rosacea is patchy flushing (redness) and inflammation, particularly on the cheeks, nose, forehead, and around the mouth.
The butterfly rash of lupus can also lead to a mis-diagnosis of eczema. A common symptom of lupus includes a red rash or color change on the face, often in the shape of a butterfly across the nose and cheeks, which can be mistaken for rosacea.
Acne is the term for plugged pores (blackheads and whiteheads), pimples, and even deeper lumps (cysts or nodules) that occur on the face, neck, chest, back, shoulders and even the upper arms.
Labels: acne, atopic eczema, eczema, eczema symptoms, eczema treatment, lupus, milia, ocular rosacea, perioral dermatitis