Tuesday, May 03, 2005

The Phases of An Eczema Outbreak

Eczema runs its course through three distinct phases: acute, subacute, and chronic. The usual symptoms associated with the acute stage of eczema include pain, heat, tenderness, and possible itching (Mackie 77). The affected areas are characterized by extreme redness and drainage at the lesion site (Mackie 77). The subacute phase of eczema include symptoms associated with skin redness and crusting; however, there is no extreme swelling. People in the subacute phase tend to complain about the symptom of itching more than the pain (Mackie 77). Individuals with lesions developed over three months are referred to as having chronic eczema. Itching is a predominant symptom in this phase as well and scratching causes the lesion to worsen (Mackie 77).