Saturday, July 09, 2005

Understanding Eczema

Eczema is a generic term for a group of conditions that cause the skin to become inflamed, red, dry, and itchy. In some cases, a rash might develop in one area or over the entire body.

Eczema may appear different from person to person, and it might appear on different parts of the body. In adults, eczema most often develops on the hands and elbows, and in "bending" areas such as the inside of the elbows and back of the knees. In young children, eczema most often develops on the elbows, knees, face, neck, and scalp.

Common symptoms of eczema include:
Skin redness
Dry, scaly, or crusted skin that might become thick and leathery from long-term scratching
Formation of small, fluid-filled blisters that might ooze when scratched
Infection of the areas where the skin has been broken