Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Eczema Cold Weather Tips

AS the cold weather draws in, those of us who suffer with eczema will be dreading the drying effects of central heating that can make symptoms so much worse.
If you are prone the eczema, often called the winter itch, you are likely to be almost 25% more itchy in the winter than in the summer, according to the experts. And the extent of your eczema could increase by anything up to 65% as the temperature drops.
Luckily, we have five great tips for reducing the likelihood of a flare-up this winter:

Avoid wool: it may be the warmest natural material around, but it can also irritate the skin, starting off the scratch-itch cycle. Cotton is much better, as it is smooth and also allows the skin to breathe, unlike synthetic materials

Avoid hot water: we're not saying you shouldn't wash, but try to avoid long soaks, as hot water dissolve natural oils. Luke warm water will be less damaging, and if you can handle cold water you'll find it's a great way to anaesthetise any itching

Use the right moisturiser: moisturising is essential but artificial fragrances and perfumes can cause a flare up. Creamy moisturisers should also be avoided, as they contain more irritating preservatives. You could try a gel, like the Skin Shop's Cardiospermum Gel (£14.99 for 100ml from, which contains a unique natural plant extract

Turn down central heating: central heating might make you feel toasty but it also dries out the air, which is bad for eczema sufferers. Alternatively, use humidifiers to put the moisture back into the air

Use Oats: Porridge makes an excellent winter breakfast but it's also great for soothing irritated skin. Just pour two cups of colloidal oatmeal (colloidal just means finely ground so that it will disperse through water) into your lukewarm bath and soak