Monday, July 11, 2005

Xerosis or Dry Skin

Xerosis is the medical term for dry skin and the symptoms of this ailment include irritated skin that feels tight and looks ashy or even peeling. Severe xerosis can result in cracked or bleeding skin and can make skin prone to problems such as infection or unsightly rashes. For this reason, it is important to prevent and fight parched skin as soon as the problem starts.

Our style of living often results in dehydrated skin that feels tight and irritated. A common problem is that indoor heating combined with daily bathing result in skin that is robbed of its natural moisture and oils. You can help prevent some skin dryness by making sure your skin is not parched or irritated by your bathing habits. Use lukewarm water and gentle soaps when you bathe, and limit bathing to a quick 15 minutes or less once a day. This will help prevent the problem of tight-feeling skin caused by over washing.

Another way to prevent xerosis or at least to minimize the irritation of dehydrated skin is to use towels to pat. Never scrub your skin with a towel or washcloth in or out of the shower. Pat your skin gently instead and offset dryness by using a scent-free and rich moisturizer to return moisture to parched skin and to soothe irritated skin.

If you have problem skin, be sure to use gentle detergents and try to wear loose-fitting clothes made of natural fabrics such as cotton. This lets your skin breathe. People with xerosis also find that they can get some relief by keeping their skin well-protected from the elements and by keeping an air humidifier in their workplace and home.