Friday, November 18, 2005

Cold Weather Makes Eczema Worse

Cold, dry weather can lead to dry, itchy skin for a lot of us.
Doctors describe eczema hypersensitive or allergic skin. It seems to be related to the immune system; it can be mild or very severe, but it's not contagious.
Dr. Steve Feldman, a dermatologist at Wake Forest University Baptist Medical Center says, "There are a number of things that make it worse: bathing too much, using strong, harsh soaps, cold dry winter weather makes it worse, but again for the most part it's probably an inherited disease."It's mostly a problem doctors see in children, and many of them grow out of it."Eczema is really very easy to treat. Really mild to medium strength cortisone medicines will clear it pretty well, and we provide them in a moisturizing vehicle so when people put them on the skin it takes care of moisturizing as well as reducing the inflammation in the skin."
Eczema is a chronic problem, so unlike poison ivy rashes, rashes won't quickly disappear.